Lighting truss at St George's Hall Theatre, Bradford UK

Case Study: St George’s Hall

ClientSt George’s Hall, Bradford Theatres


The concert hall’s engineering team reached the conclusion that, to provide a safe system of work, adding-in Guard Load Arrest protection to the system would be the correct solution. However, with St George’s Hall being an old concert hall, the pipe we had to pass the load arrestor’s cable through was extremely narrow and, when researching the project, no obvious answer became apparent to allow the cable, ferrule, thimble & shackle to pass through the pipe from the anchorage point to the truss below within the theatre.


Guard Load Arrest deployed at St George's Hall, Bradford UK

The new configuration of the bottom shackles on Guard Load Arrestors means that the shackle can be easily removed from the cable (the pin fits through the thimble), thereby solving part of the problem.

Due to the pipe being so narrow, the standard thimble still wouldn’t pass through the pipe. However, with Guard Load Arrest being the product manufacturer (with a full understanding of the product’s technical file), we were able to change the thimble to a narrow gauge alternative. This allowed the thimble to fit through the narrow pipe and then the shackle be reattached through the thimble.

This solution was achieved by Guard Load Arrest being able to manufacture the solution in accordance with the technical file and provide a solution that worked precisely for the customer.

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