Lighting truss at St George's Hall Theatre, Bradford UK

Case Study: St George’s Hall

ClientSt George’s Hall, Bradford Theatres


The concert hall’s engineering team reached the conclusion that, to provide a safe system of work, adding-in Guard Load Arrest protection to the system would be the correct solution. However, with St George’s Hall being an old concert hall, the pipe we had to pass the load arrestor’s cable through was extremely narrow and, when researching the project, no obvious answer became apparent to allow the cable, ferrule, thimble & shackle to pass through the pipe from the anchorage point to the truss below within the theatre.


Guard Load Arrest deployed at St George's Hall, Bradford UK

The new configuration of the bottom shackles on Guard Load Arrestors means that the shackle can be easily removed from the cable (the pin fits through the thimble), thereby solving part of the problem.

Due to the pipe being so narrow, the standard thimble still wouldn’t pass through the pipe. However, with Guard Load Arrest being the product manufacturer (with a full understanding of the product’s technical file), we were able to change the thimble to a narrow gauge alternative. This allowed the thimble to fit through the narrow pipe and then the shackle be reattached through the thimble.

This solution was achieved by Guard Load Arrest being able to manufacture the solution in accordance with the technical file and provide a solution that worked precisely for the customer.

HSE logo

¿Por qué necesito un arrestador de carga?

Our range of Guard Load Arrest devices help to ensure our customers comply with any applicable local legislation pertaining to lifting equipment. In this article we explore how Guard Load Arrestors are employed by our UK customers to achieve compliance with UK legislation for lifting equipment.

1500 Guard Load Arrestor with multiple hoists

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) have been enforced in the UK since the 5th December 1998. Regulation 6 (b) (ii) within this legislation states that;

Every employer shall ensure that lifting equipment is positioned or installed in such a way as to reduce to as low as is reasonably practicable the risk from a load falling freely.

As with most legislation, this seemingly simple statement is open to interpretation, so in 2014 the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published an Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) to clarify and set out what companies should do to meet their obligations under LOLER. The ACOP elaborates on Regulation 6 (b) (ii) by stating;

"Various methods can be used to minimise the risk of the load falling out of control. These include:

(a) multiple ropes/chains;

(b) lifting mechanisms with a high factor of safety or strength;

(c) safety gear;

(d) check valves (for hydraulic systems); and

(e) safety nets for palletised loads.”

Installing a Guard Load Arrestor alongside your primary lifting equipment can mitigate the risk of the load falling out of control by providing an independent safety function with complete redundancy to ensure compliance with LOLER.

Regulation 8 of LOLER covers the Organisation of lifting operations and Regulation 8 (1) (c) states that;

Every employer shall ensure that every lifting operation involving lifting equipment is carried out in a safe manner.

The ACOP elaborates on this by considering this regulation in relation to working under suspended loads;

Where practicable, loads should not be carried or suspended over areas occupied by people.

Where this is not practicable you should establish a safe system of work which minimises the risks to people who may need to be below the load.

Where it is necessary to leave loads suspended you should ensure that access to the danger zone is prevented and that the load has been secured properly.”

A Guard Load Arrestor running in conjunction with your primary lifting equipment can help you to establish a safe system of work which minimises the risks to people who may need to be below the load.

Please feel free to Contacta con nosotras if you’d like to discuss any of the points raised in this article or have any questions about our Guard Load Arrestors.

EN 17206

EN 17206: 2020

Entertainment technology - Machinery for stages and other production areas - Safety requirements and inspections

“Utilising a load arrestor alongside a primary lifting hoist, delivers an independent safety function which provides complete redundancy.”

In June 2020, the new entertainment standard, “EN 17206:2020 Entertainment technology - Machinery for stages and other production areas - Safety requirements and inspections” was published in place of previous entertainment standards “EN 7906-1:2005” and “EN 7905-1:2001”.

The purpose of EN 17206:2020 is to produce European wide specifications for the design, manufacture and installation of lifting and load bearing equipment within the entertainment industry.  The standard applies to all machinery, machinery installations and machinery control systems which are used within assembly, staging and production facilities for events and theatrical productions. Such facilities include; theatres, exhibition halls; film, television and radio studios, concert halls, schools, bars, discotheques, open air stages and any other rooms used for shows or events.

EN 17206:2020 applies to permanent and temporary installations of lifting and moving equipment within the entertainment industry. Typical applications of the standard include; acoustic doors, auditorium elevators, compensating elevators, cycloramas, fly bar systems (manual and motor driven), lighting bars, movable lighting towers, movable proscenium arches, orchestra elevators, performer flying systems, point hoists, revolving stages and turntables, scenery storage elevators, side stage and rear stage shutters, stage elevators, stage wagons, tiltable stage floors and trap elevators.

EN 17206:2020 Annexes B & C define use cases reflecting common machinery risk scenarios (Table 1) as well as guidance on the safety functions to be implemented for each use case (Table 2).

Table 1:               Use cases for upper machinery

Table 2:               Recommended safety functions for upper machinery

For Use Cases 3, 4, 5, and 6, it is highly recommended that a safety function is implemented to maintain a safe state for the machine in respect of brake failure. Utilising a Guard Load Arrestor alongside the primary lifting hoist, provides an independent safety function which provides complete redundancy.


BS 7906-1:2005

This standard covers the use of lifting equipment for performance, broadcast and similar applications.

Part 1: Code of practice for installation, use and removal of above stage equipment (excluding trusses and towers)

“Chain hoist categorizations must be considered when selecting electric chain hoists for the listing or suspending of loads over people, and under certain circumstances it is essential to implement an inertia reel load arrestor as a secondary suspension. The load arrestor provides an ideal, independent, fully redundant, secondary suspension in these scenarios.”

BS 7906-1:2005 provides recommendation for the safe use of lifting used to lift and traverse equipment and personnel for the following applications:

  • film;
  • television;
  • theatre and similar entertainment events;
  • conference and exhibition.

The recommendations cover the supply, installation, use, maintenance and removal of components and systems, documentation, periodic inspection, and thorough examination.

Section 8.19 of this standard details all considerations for the selection, maintenance, installation, and operation of chain hoists within the entertainment industry. Chain hoists used in the entertainment industry fall into two categories: Category A and Category B.

Category A hoists are declared by the manufacturer as intended for use by the entertainment industry for lifting and suspending loads over people and meeting the requirements of BS 7905-1 or DIN 56925.

Category B hoists are not intended by the manufacturer for lifting or suspending loads over people.

Chain hoist categorizations must be considered when selecting electric chain hoists for the listing or suspending of loads over people, and under certain circumstances it is essential to implement an inertia reel load arrestor as a secondary suspension. The Guard Load Arrest products provide an ideal, independent, fully redundant secondary suspension in these scenarios.

The table below provides additional guidance on the selection of electric chain hoists.

ABTT Bronze Logo

Guard Load Arrest se convierte en patrocinador oficial de ABTT

Guard Load Arrest se enorgullece en anunciar que son patrocinadores de la industria de la Asociación de Técnicos de Teatro Británicos (ABTT), una organización de membresía con edificios de teatro y backstage en su corazón.

Guard Load Arrest acaba de lanzarse y ofrece soluciones duraderas de detención de carga para los sectores industriales y de entretenimiento. La gama de productos ofrece protección de 150 kg a 1500 kg, y ya se están realizando desarrollos para ampliar aún más la gama. Guard Load Arrest está ansioso por apoyar a las organizaciones dentro de la industria, por lo que estaba ansioso por suscribirse a esta oportunidad con ABTT.

La ABTT es una organización de miembros que establece y mantiene estándares de excelencia técnica, seguridad y cumplimiento para el teatro y las representaciones en vivo. La organización es un excelente recurso para apoyar a los miembros, a través de la provisión de información y asesoramiento sobre buenas prácticas, trabajo seguro y cumplimiento dentro de la industria del teatro. Asesoran sobre seguridad, planificación y buenas prácticas.

Entre otras cosas, esta asociación ayudará a Guard Load Arrest a resaltar la importancia de los altos estándares de seguridad en la industria del teatro, especialmente con respecto a los equipos suspendidos en altura.

Para obtener más información sobre Guard Load Arrest, visite o contacto el equipo bien informado.

A range of three Guard load arrestors

Guard Load Arrest Lanzamientos

Guard Load Arrest acaba de lanzarse y ofrece soluciones duraderas de detención de carga para los entretenimiento y industrial sectores.

La gama de productos ofrece protección de 150 kg a 1500 kg, y ya se están realizando desarrollos para ampliar aún más la gama.

Uno de los usos más comunes de los pararrayos de carga es como protección secundaria para polipastos de cadena. Patrick Evans, Director General, explica más:

EN 17206 estipula que se requieren dos soluciones de seguridad independientes al instalar polipastos eléctricos de cadena. El hecho de que el freno secundario de un polipasto proporcione el nivel necesario de seguridad se reduce a su evaluación de riesgos, pero estamos descubriendo cada vez más que los instaladores están desplegando unidades Guard junto a los polipastos para proporcionar una protección separada, en caso de que falle el sistema primario”.

Por supuesto, los polipastos eléctricos de cadena generalmente cuentan con un freno de seguridad que se activa si falla el freno principal. Pero, ¿cuál es el respaldo si falla la cadena o el ancla del polipasto? Patricio continúa diciendo:

“Hay algunas opciones disponibles, una de las cuales es simplemente conectar un cable de acero fijo como solución de seguridad secundaria. Esto sería extremadamente seguro. Sin embargo, cada vez más usuarios están abandonando este método debido al alto costo de enviar un instalador para desconectar y reparar cada vez que se necesita. Los arrestadores de carga Guard son una opción rentable alternativa que supera este problema al proporcionar un cable de acero que se extiende y retrae automáticamente, siguiendo el movimiento de la carga, sin tener que desconectarse”.

Si falla el equipo de soporte de carga principal, el arrestador de carga Guard detendrá automáticamente la caída de la carga, lo que evitará daños al equipo y, lo que es más importante, protegerá a la audiencia/a los artistas que se encuentran debajo.


No es solo en el sector del entretenimiento donde se instalan cada vez más guardias. Muchos aplicaciones industriales beneficiarse de la detención de la carga. Patrick elabora:

“Hay una gran cantidad de aplicaciones en las que los arrestadores de carga brindan una solución de seguridad ideal. ¿Levantas o suspendes equipos o materiales que no se pueden dejar caer? Si es así, debe considerar instalar un dispositivo de detención de carga Guard como medida de seguridad en caso de que falle el equipo de elevación principal”.

“Las líneas de producción no pueden permitirse largos períodos de parada para reparar equipos caídos. Un gran ejemplo es cómo algunos fabricantes de automóviles dependen de los arrestadores de carga Guard para proteger puntos clave en la línea de producción; sus ingenieros identificaron el riesgo de que el equipo pesado se apague durante el uso, lo que podría resultar en una caída incontrolada al piso del taller. Aquí es donde interviene el sistema de detención de carga Guard. Un dispositivo de detención de carga Guard colocado en el lugar correcto atrapará automáticamente el equipo que cae y evitará que golpee el suelo. ¡Nuestros productos son tan versátiles y confiables que incluso se implementan como protección para levantar materiales radiactivos en ciertas instalaciones de energía nuclear del Reino Unido!”

La lista de clientes de Guard Load Arrest ya es impresionante, incluidos O2 Academy Group y Jaguar Land Rover.

La nueva Rango de Guard está disponible ahora.
